Yes. I'm giving away original pages of my manuscript.

I hand-wrote grades on post-it notes before I scanned the pages into the book. So you're pretty much getting the original pages of my actual manuscript. But I busted my ass to get this book done, so I'm not giving these away to the undeserving. I'm only giving these away to people who buy bulk copies of this book. These are extremely limited and one-of-a-kind. The book is 320 pages long, and there are about 580 pieces of art in the book. I'll be giving away roughly 200 of these because some pieces of art are too big to ship. Here's how to qualify:

  1. Buy 3 or more* copies of this book.
  2. Forward your email confirmation with the subject line "confirmation" to:
  3. Give them to friends.

*Note: If you buy more than 3 copies, you qualify for an actual gold-framed print of the cover of the book. These will be signed and numbered and I'm only giving out 5 of these. The top 5 people who buy the most books will win. I may even give out the framed original cover of the book if you really pull out all the stops and buy a shit-ton of books. Email me if you do.

Don't have friends? No problem.

Just kidding, that's a huge problem.

The first 200 or so people who do this before December 2011 will win.

© 2002-2015 by Maddox