Waiting to buy the hardcover of "I am better than your kids"? Not sure if you have the mental fortitude, richness in character or wisdom to buy my critical masterpiece? Well you're gonna be shit out of luck, because the paperback version is coming out Tuesday, November 20th with a new title and a new cover.
Why? Fuck if I know, but it's awesome. Now you get to see the face of underachievement. If you already own two or more copies of it in hardcover and want another copy in paperback just to lord over your less fortunate friends and family, or just prefer the flipability
1 of a paperback, then this is for you. Also, it's cheaper:

To kick things off, I'm going to hold a number of caption contests, the winner of which will get a signed & personalized copy of the new book, plus a signed "book plate" which is just a huge sticker of me flipping you
off. I'm being totally impartial when I say it's boss.
1. Not a word
Caption contest:
Simply write your caption in the
comments section below, and the comment with the most "likes" by
Friday, November 16th [UPDATE: This caption contest is over, stay tuned for others] will most likely win—though I will have final say, because
sometimes you idiots like things that are stupid and I might think another caption fits better. So even if you don't think you can win, I'll still personally read all the captions to choose one.