I can spell, draw, and do math better than your kids, so I've taken the liberty to judge work done by children. New updates every week.
Haley, age 9
I'm grading the drawing, not the dictator, and as far as Hitler sketches go, he looks like he has the thighs of a suburban housewife. Easy with the carbs, Der Fuhrer. Wouldn't kill you to do some leg crunches.
A lot of people have been asking me what the spreads look like in the book, so I've generously posted a few here. For the first time ever, here's a sample of the actual pages from the book:

From the "Unintentional Hitler" chapter:

From the "Special Cars from Special Kids" chapter:

Hannah, age 6
Guy Fawkes, one of five conspirators in the "gunpowder" plot to blow up parliament, depicted here as a haughty queen, standing near a gray flower.
Anonymous protestors just don't look as intimidating with Hannah's design:


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